I don’t know about you, but one of the things I missed most about having church services delivered by Zoom was the music. For all Tony’s sterling efforts for Roxwell, things just did not seem the same without it; it was similar at Cooksmill Green, where some lovely tracks were posted online, but with theRead more

Thought for the Week 18th July 2021  How Does Faith Help Me Cope? I cannot imagine that there is anybody reading this today who has not been affected in some way by the event that we now commonly call the Covid Pandemic. The last 15 months have challenged and altered all that we might regardRead more

Thought for the Week 11th July 2021 On Monday, in all the Old Vicarages and Rectories that haven’t already been sold off by the C of E, you will have heard nervous tinkling of teaspoon in saucer and barely suppressed groans as clergy in their parishes (how much longer will we be able to useRead more

Thought for the Week 4th July 2021 Reading Mark 6: 1-13 This week’s lectionary reading has two very distinct parts each of which is a big subject in its own right. Today I’d like to take a look at the second part ‘The mission of the twelve’ (verses 6b -13). This instruction from Jesus toRead more

Thought for the Week – Sunday 20th June 2021 Our Gospel narrative for today (Mark 4:35-41) places Jesus and His disciples in the heart of a great storm, one that puts great trepidation into the hearts of  seasoned fisherman and who whilst believing they are about to perish, see Jesus asleep on a cushion! WeRead more

Thought for the Week Sunday June 13th 2021 Draw the best out of others Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you. (Ephesians 4:29 G.N.B.) When the Irish missionary Columba paidRead more