THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Do Not Be Afraid 21st June 2020 From the moment we are born we are immersed into a world of fear, we experience it as part of our survival, we are taught authority and respect through it, we are often controlled by it, which means we cannot hide from it orRead more

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Protest 14th June 2020 Our thoughts this week start I’m afraid on a rather serious note. They’ve been prompted by the events in America that have spilled over into the UK and other places. I don’t, however, want to consider those specific events, but rather the wider issues of violenceRead more

A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Trinity Sunday 7th June 2020 The Trinity, what a mine field of opinion! This Three in One nature of God (Father Son and Holy Spirit) that we celebrate in the Christian faith is often hotly debated, and I fear it will continue to be so for some considerable time!Read more

A Penny for your Thoughts. 7th June 2020 “And the people stayed home, read books, listened, rested, and exercised. They made art, played games, learned new ways of being, and were still. And they listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. People began to think differently. And theRead more

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Pentecost? 31st May 2020 What is Pentecost and how did it start? There’s only limited space here, so a truncated version. The original Day of Pentecost is a Jewish festival, coming fifty days after Passover (when the Jews made their great escape from Pharaoh in Egypt). Jews in Jesus’ timeRead more

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – The Unknown God 17th May 2020 Our thoughts this week are again based on the reading from Acts set for the week (Acts 17: 22-31). This is the account of the apostle Paul debating with the thinkers and philosophers of Athens in the Areopagus – an important place for debateRead more