Thought for the Week Sunday June 6th 2021 Opening Prayer As we start our Sunday and a new week ahead let us bring to God all that we are – our hopes and worries, our joys and pains, the good things and the bad, trusting that God loves us and will protects us. Amen MarkRead more

Thought for the Week – 30th May 2021 Pentecost Part 2 So what does the Pentecost reading tell us about our response to the Holy Spirit? Well, I do not think it is an invitation to go around talking in tongues – and I know St. Paul would agree with me here. What strikes meRead more

Thought for the week – 23rd May 2021 Pentecost Did you watch the State Opening of Parliament this year? In spite of restrictions, it remained a day of splendour, ritual and mystique. It was easy to see what the Queen’s rôle was – the figure of authority, telling it like it is. Similarly Charles –Read more

Thought for the week – 16th May 2021 This week, the 7th Sunday after Easter, is also the Sunday after Ascension. Ascension will have been celebrated by many Christians last Thursday and I’ve been sharing some thoughts on this event with Joan, one of my co-contributors to Thought for the Week, and we both agreedRead more

Thought for the Week May 9th 2021 Don’t faint Steve has used a lectionary reading again. This week one lectionary reading really stood out to me, normally I would gravitate towards the Gospel reading, I like to hear what Jesus had to say, but this week it’s the Old Testament reading from Isaiah (Is 55:Read more

Thought for the Week May 2nd 2021 Last week Danny pointed us to the lectionary readings set for the day and gave us the opportunity to allow those scriptures to speak to us directly, something I know a number of people, including me, really engaged with and appreciated. Some also considered the whole concept ofRead more