A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Rainbows 10th May 2020 Did anyone see the beautiful double rainbow last week? I don’t know about you but when I see a rainbow I always think of Noah and how God sent his rainbow as a covenant to his people, a sign of hope. Then I thought, like us,Read more

A presentation from Sunday’s Cool. The Cooksmill Sunday’s Cool kids have created their own ‘lockdown’ presentation, please take a look. Sunday’s Cool is suspended at the moment, we will let you know when it restarts. Click any image to enlarge. Hope you enjoy our Sunday’s Cool Presentation, we look forward to seeing you all when the Church re-opens at CooksmillView the presentation

A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Cradle Roll 3rd May 2020   It‘s always a great privilege to welcome people into the family of God in Baptism – young and older – and it’s the same for us at Cooksmill Green. Most of our congregation will know much of what I’m about to write, but forRead more

A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Why? 26th April 2020 Right at the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak a question was asked, a question that has arisen for someone, somewhere, every minute of every day for Millennia. Why? I’ve often been asked that same question, and particularly in recent times. So I felt, at the veryRead more

A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – The Penny Dropped 19th April 2020 To begin this week, I think it would be a grave omission not to mention the man who in recent days has captured, not just the Nation’s hearts, but the hearts of many parts of the world! Captain Tom. In case anyone has beenRead more

A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Easter Sunday 12th April 2020 *This is the first day of God’s new week. The darkness has gone, and the sun is shining And a HAPPY and BLESSED Easter to Everyone. John 20:1-16  (NRSV) The Resurrection of Jesus 20 Early on the first day of the week, while it was stillRead more