Thought for the Week – Sunday 9th August 2020 What Does Having Faith Mean To You? “Oh ye of little faith” is a phrase I have used and heard many times in everyday life, most commonly used by myself as a means of expressing absolute certainty whilst in the presence of someone displaying more thanRead more

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – All Change – Again! 2nd August. This week has seen many people’s lives and plans turned upside down yet again. Just when we thought we might slowly be getting back to some sort of normality, social gathering is restricted again, holiday plans are thwarted, work patterns disrupted and so on.Read more

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – How does your garden grow? 26th July This week, looking for inspiration, I revisited the lectionary, today’s readings include the very short parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew 13: 31-32). Then I consulted one of my commentaries and was struck by one phrase that took me down a completely differentRead more

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Comparisons! 19th July “Our Risen Lord has no time for comparisons.” I wonder if, reading this as I did recently, it brought you up with something of a jolt, not least because the writer was able to state this with such certainty (inner knowledge?). Because not only do several of Jesus’sRead more

A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Time to refocus? 12th July Firstly let me say, I’m sure there will be some people reading this who might start thinking ‘that’s all very well for you to say, it’s not that easy for me!’ If you’re one of those people, please stick with me as IRead more

Cooksmill Green Congregational Church Church Anniversary 2020 This is a new and novel experience for me! Sitting down to write to a church that I was planning to attend. Facing a computer screen rather than the lovely fields around Cooksmill Green. I feel a little bit like St John must have felt in writing theRead more