Thought for the Week – The Protest Dilemma – 6th Sept. I have been following with interest the planned 10 day protests around the UK regarding both climate change and the perceived failure of the Government to take the matter of protecting our environment seriously, a subject and cause that I personally am in support of.Read more

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Leadership 30th August   This week sadly I feel I need to revisit a subject we covered not that long ago. I also think that maybe it’s time, not just for a message of hope, but a call to arms as well – more on that later. Once again, as weRead more

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Be prepared 23rd August   When our futures are uncertain (not something exclusive to the current situation) it can be difficult to know how and what to plan for. My Brother once quoted to me the saying ‘If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans!’ Yet herein liesRead more

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – What is so unique about Jesus? 16th August   I’m going to start this week’s thought on a very personal note – I should perhaps apologies, but I’d rather not as I know I’m not alone in some of what I’m going to say and I hope also to bring aRead more

Thought for the Week – Sunday 9th August 2020 What Does Having Faith Mean To You? “Oh ye of little faith” is a phrase I have used and heard many times in everyday life, most commonly used by myself as a means of expressing absolute certainty whilst in the presence of someone displaying more thanRead more

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – All Change – Again! 2nd August.   This week has seen many people’s lives and plans turned upside down yet again. Just when we thought we might slowly be getting back to some sort of normality, social gathering is restricted again, holiday plans are thwarted, work patterns disrupted and so on.Read more