Thought for the Month – April 2023

‘Complacency is the deadly enemy of spiritual progress. The contented soul is the stagnant soul’ – Pastor A.W.Tozer.

Just take a moment to reflect on what those words may mean to you and then I will begin….

Today, (Palm Sunday), is the start of the end to another Lenten journey as we enter another Holy Week, marking all the key events towards yet another Easter Sunday, that in turn will bring about the end of another Christian Season. When described in this lacklustre fashion, you can begin to understand what Pastor Tozer was on about, how spiritual apathy can begin to set in because of the repetitive cycle and the over-familiar expectation of what is to come during the week ahead. It was the same last year, and it will definitely be the same next year, but that complacency really should only be in relation to its setting within the liturgical calendar and importantly recognised as something entirely different and separate from the deeper, more emotional spiritual journey to be had, one that is there to be experienced for all who seek it, bringing a contemplative connection to what Jesus endured for us in the name of the new covenant, a covenant of love for the world.

Part of our Lenten observance should always be of course, to reflect on, and to recognise the cost of the New Covenant, written with the blood of Christ and obtained through the Passion of both His extreme suffering and brutal execution upon the cross, for if we become complacent (there’s that word again!) of the reality of what He actually endured for us, of the depth of love He had for each and every one of us in order to do it, then we can only serve to dilute and diminish the joyful message of salvation and hope, found within His rising on Easter Sunday.

The other very important point to note, is that this New Covenant is not written on any parchment or tablets of stone, for God in His wisdom made it a living part of us through His Son’s love, written upon our hearts and carved into our life’s purpose, we carry both it and Him within us wherever we go, and I find that the most beautiful of sentiments and for me is the true gift of Easter Day.

Our Christian faith is something that should always be comforting to us but never entirely comfortable, because if you reflect upon this point, on let’s say Good Friday, and find that this is exactly how you do feel, ‘comfortable’, then perhaps it’s time to revisit the words of Pastor Tozey and to challenge yourself in asking if complacency is the real reason for feeling that way?

May I wish you all a Happy Easter and a peaceful month of April.


An Easter Prayer

Dear Lord, may I realise each and every day what Your death and resurrection means for me. Forgiveness, love, and the ability to walk with You through this fallen world into eternal life. May I always find my satisfaction in You, assured of Your willingness to offer all that you are to me, my saviour, my redeemer, my passion. Amen.