Thought for the Month March 2025 Feel like giving up? In a few days we will be into our seasonal observance of Lent, hopefully each making our own commemorative journey towards that most precious moment in time, when a sacrifice, borne out of love, was given to save the world, a life freely given inRead more

Thought for the Month February 2025 Sun, sea, and Santa Like most church organists, from time to time I crave a break from the rigours of Christmas services and umpteen performances of the same old carols. Previously this has been impossible to find – Israel and sundry Muslim countries all seem to cater for touristsRead more

Thought for the Month January 2025 Here we are again at the start of a New Year, 2025, New Year’s resolutions abound, people are full of hope, anticipation and good intentions… well at least some will be. Others at the other end of the spectrum will be gripped by anxiety, full of fear, their anticipationRead more

Thought for The Month – Advent – December 2024 Happy New Church Year! Yes, it’s that time again as we leave one worship year for another, and as always, it must mean we have entered the season of Advent, which just like its Lenten cousin, calls upon us to make an effort to physically bringRead more

Thought for the Month November 2024 Whatever next? (“to sleep…perchance to dream…”) As a church organist, I have tended to take All Saints Sunday, the first in November, for granted – put down “For all the saints” on its one annual outing, and be grateful that it is only 8 verses – one modern hymnRead more

How quickly we forget Well here we are again, coming to the end of Harvest festival season. The crops are in, churches have been adorned, services have been taken, produce has been sold or donated to help those who are in greater need. And hopefully time has been taken in amongst it all to sayRead more